LiBa-magnify Manual
To ensure a safe and comfortable experience with the LiBa-magnify dreamachine, we highly recommend familiarizing yourself with the device before embarking on your light journey. Flashing light therapy is a highly personal experience and users may perceive the light differently based on their unique motivations and circumstances. At LiBa, we take great care in considering all aspects that go into a light experience. It is essential to use the LiBa-magnify safely to feel comfortable during the session. A responsible and safe light traveller understands their equipment well and acts accordingly. To learn more about using the LiBa-magnify safely, please refer to our FAQ page and user manual.
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Current Frequency Tables
The LiBa-magnify features five frequency tables. Each table contains a list of fixed frequencies for the algorithm to choose from.
Fixed 1Hz
C Major Pentatonic
Do you have a set of frequencies you want to experience with the LiBa-magnify?
Please let us know here